Since then he has Bid farewell to Lynette & Raymond at Spionkop Lodge. He hopes to see them again in the not so distant Future. If you are in the Area call in and stay a couple of days! then you will see why Andy is so drawn to the place! Andy would like to send Spionkop Lodge a plaque from the ROYAL GREEN JACKETS.
Over the last few weeks Andy has looked back on all the people that have crossed his path, He has felt so overwhelmed with the friendships and generosity he has been lucky to experience. Even when you look back at the political climates Andy has travelled through. An Angel of some description has looked over him and guided his travel!
Andy is One of life's rough Diamonds! If you have crossed his path you will know what we mean! Even if your meeting has been brief, the man will leave a lasting impression!
As those here in England count the days down to his return I am sure there are many back in South Africa sorry to see him leave.
To follow Andy's itchy feet into the next Adventure , keep dropping in as the details will unfold shortly. Until then keep sending your us your photo's!!